Irene Kwao (DCS20385) The African print is being used for top OCCASIONS in our country, Ghana. Contestants of various top occasions such as Ghana's Most beautiful, Miss Golden Stool, Wo nsa no Adwuma among others will be seen in African prints during their programs. This has help exhibit the country's product and also help to sell the various African prints companies such as Akosombo Textile Limited (ATL), Ghana Textile Print (GTP) and Printex to the public. This has made most Africans cherish their local products more than that of other countries products normally called "Already Made". African prints has gone viral because that is what is being used lately for fashion. It has help increased the production system of the various African prints companies. African prints is mostly used by contestants because of its colourful designs that can be used for different kinds of wear. Its different shade of colours are blend together to produce extr...